Lunch Seminars

This month, our Turret room lunchtime transformed into a hub of learning during this semester's engaging lunch seminars. These sessions, a highlight of each semester, showcased the diverse work of this year's research groups.


We kicked off with Anders Malthe-Sørenssen from the FricFrac project discussing 'Neural Networks and Fracture Processes'. Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard and Fabian Nøst Harang, who co-leads the Signatures for Images project then delved into 'Data-Streams and Image Signatures'. Attila Tanyi from the PROFOUND project enlightened us about 'Prudence, Morality, and Choice', and Marianne Tronstad Lund with Bjørn Hallvard Samset who co-leads the HETCLIF project concluded the week with insights into 'Air Pollution and Climate Change'.

These seminars not only offered a glimpse into the innovative work of our colleagues but also fostered rich, interdisciplinary discussions, enhancing our community's intellectual landscape. We eagerly await our next series of lunchtime learnings!

Published 30 November 2023, 10:38 | Last edited 01 February 2024, 9:26